Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Submersible!!!!!!

A. This is a diagram of Alvin the Submersible.

B. Hypothesis: My Hypothesis is building a Submersisble and trying to get it to sink and then bring it back up.
Materials: 1. Plastic soda bottle.
2. Sissors
3. Somthing to weigh the submersible down with
4. Balloon
5. Straw ( up too 2)
6. Tape

C. Steps to build my submersible:
1. I am going to cut three holes to start out with, and if it dont sink then i will have to cut more holes i am going to make sure the holes are even on both sides.
2. I am going to tape two straws together.
3. Then i am going to tape the balloon to one end of the balloon.
4. i will have to cut a hole in the bottle cap so that way the straw will fit through it to go into the bottle.
5. Once the straws get done the balloon gose inside and the cap gets put back on.
6. Then I have to find someting to weigh my submersible down with.
7. Nows the fun part TIME TO TEST IT.
8. I will fill my bath tub up with water and test my submersible.

D. See paper attached:

E. See paoer attached.

F. I did it last year so i know what i am doing. But i got my information from goggle and ask jeves. Also the teachers would talk about it so that helped me with building it too.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Submersible Research


ALVIN- A. This is what Alvin looks like:

 Alvin was one of the frist deep-sea submersible to carry people the driver and two other observers. After the numerous upgrades, Alvin can plunge to a maximum depth of 14,764 Ft.

B.Alvin is used for underewater dives. It can go deep down into the ocean and it allows researcehers to collect spesfic samples.

C. Alvin is buit they way it is built beacuse it can withstand the curshing of the deep ocean.

Clelia: A. This is what Cleia looks like:

A. The Depth of Clelia is a maximum of 1,000 feet.

B. Cleli allows the people riding her see things from 10 diffrent port holes. She can be balanced in mid water to absoutley neutural bouyancy. Also she collect samples, and shoot photographs and viedos.

C. Clelia is built to let heavy things when they need to get samples.She is outfited with active sonar. It's built to make short dives also . 


Hercules: This is what it looks like:
A. Hercules depth range is 4,000 meters.

B. Some times it takes over for little Hercules. It collects videos.

C. This was designed to primarily  study and recover artifacts for ship reacks.

Jason: This is what Jason looks like:  

A. Jason's Depth range is a maximum of 6,500 meters.
B. Jason is to be superior real time optical imaging platforms with the high quilty cameras and lighting. 
C. Jason was built the way it was because it works together with Medea and he provids lighting for when they both go down on there dives and Medea also provids the lighting for Jason.          

This is what Alvin looks like inside:

This is people inside Clelia:

This is Hercules going on a dive. (Going to work:)

This is Jason the R.O.V under water with the diver doing the research:

This is how submersibles work :)

So you wanna know how submersibles work? Well im here to tell you how they work. They work by being dropped down by larger vessels. The submersibles can move through the ocean for limited amount of time.This allows the people to collect the data, and research they need to find.